About Us




Modern university is one of the outstanding universities in Mogadishu, Somalia, by providing quality education with practicability and lecturer centered that enhances the potentiality of the student and the environment as well .it offers at least eight faculties of education discipline with their full sub-departments that is intended to be part of the educational development in the environment along with different facilities supports the students to be effective for their learning direction.

The university is a private university with non-profit oriented that was founded different scholars who felt in-part with the environment that the education systems operating by the time is not enough on the need from the community. It was established in January 2012 with full objective of creating an institution that provides higher education level with fully potentiality focusing on the science and technology application methods, it has its own steering committee that have a structure of functionality such as board chief executive, academic team, finance team and inter-corporation and international relation team, the university has also a staff members headed by the rector of the university with different other positional levels, the university has two campuses with possibility of extension to third campus and has number of enough students.

It has an international recognition from certain international universities and certified BY the ministry of higher education as well and it has a number contacts and direct relations with some international universities such as lovely professional universities in India, Makarere University in Uganda and Joma Kenyatta University in Kenya by Interchanging with different educational development values, culture, ethics, research and development areas and general educational methods.

On behalf the university provides a number of training facilities supported by some certain stakeholders that has a significant contribution to the environmental development sustainability where many people have been suffered so far by inter-conflict civil war over shadowed the environment which the university become one of the peace refurbish tool in the environment by providing and offering different appropriate short-term and long-term training facilities as well In recent now days the university, as part of the educational quality improvement, has designed a new method of evaluation for the students to overview their quality of understanding, reading and conceptual skills toward the course context that is to have an oral and written exam.


  • Provision of quality education through lecturers of extensive experience and using modern curriculums.
  • Provision of conductive learning environment so that the student reaps maximum benefit from the institution at the end of the course
  • Affordable and flexible mode of payment that suits everybody regardless of pocket-size.
  • Meaningful practical lessons both the improvised and linkage to famous national and private hospitals.
  • Encouraging and supporting girl- child education.
  • Continues tracking down of the learners individually to ascertain that the learner progress educationally cognitively.
  • Strengthening the social norms of the community and uplifting moral values that spiritually build the mind.
  • Community boding so that the interaction of the community members enhances, education is a tool for change.
  • Use of modern technology with updated systems so that the learner is kept abreast with the new technology and its trends. bonding the students through the student union


  • The goals of modern university is to contribute and add-value to the development of the students’ critical thinking, information literacy, creativity, quantitative reasoning, scientific reasoning and effective communication skills throughout their academic careers, increasing as well academic and community engagement throughout deliberate coordination among curricular, co-curricular, and experiential learning programs and supporting innovation, teaching, learning, mentoring, and advisement by designing-advising to focus on students’ decision making through planning, and development of students’ responsibility and efficacy.


  • High Achievement for all: The University is dedicated to teaching students to be involved, active learners who work hard, think critically and creatively, and communicate effectively. We emphasize high expectations for all students, and support them to reach their full potential in all aspects of achievement, especially in academics, arts, sports, social skills and civic participation, all of which prepare students for success in their lives after this stage.

    Excellence in Teaching: Passionate, knowledgeable, skillful teachers are the core strength of our university system. We expect our faculties and staff to provide a dynamic and rewarding learning experience for students. We are committed to support a professional community that creates and sustain and atmosphere of intellectual excitement, innovative instruction and personal growth.

    Collaboration: Through collaboration we find new sources of learning and strength. The university actively promotes collaborative relationships. We see out partnerships with community organizations that add value to our educational systems. We urge and support collaboration and exchange within and across our community development programs.

    Respect for human differences: We are committed to acknowledging and celebrating the diversity within our community while affirming the importance of our common humanity. By promoting a safe environment for questioning and challenge, we foster the growth and value that comes from different perspectives, cultures and experiences. Our commitment is to create an atmosphere of safety in which to acknowledge and express differences while advancing true acceptance and respect for all.

    Education equity: the University is well committed to Identifying and elimination barriers to educations achievements in our host environment. To this end, we create policies and practices that are fair and just provide educational opportunities to ensure that every student, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, disability, or economic status, meets our standards for achievement, participation and growth.

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Our Vision

To be one of the leaders in the fields of higher education through instilling practical aspects of learning to the young generation so that the competent and education-oriented young minds became agents of change among the Somali society

To be one of the leaders in the fields of higher education through instilling practical aspects of learning to the young generation so that the competent and education-oriented young minds became agents of change among the Somali society

our mission

Upgrading science thoughts and applying new technology and philosophical learning approaches, thereby contributing to the development of academic levels by redeeming the public image and satisfying the society and create a suitable environment and initiate strategies to explore the challenges and address them in a scientific manner.

Modern university is one of the outstanding universities in Mogadishu, Somalia, by providing quality education with practicability and lecturer centered that enhances the potentiality of the…

© 2024 Created with Modern University Galkayo Campus



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